certified cleaning exsperts

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gbac certification

GBAC-Trained Technician Program

IAEE has teamed with GBAC, a division of ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association, to help exhibitions and events professionals safely and effectively return to the face-to-face business environment amid the challenges presented by COVID-19, as well as other infectious diseases, through a training course designed to prepare for, respond to and recover from biohazards in the workplace.

GBAC STAR is a program developed by the Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC), a division of ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association. It is designed to help cleaning companies establish and maintain the highest cleaning, disinfection, and infectious disease prevention protocols. Cleaning companies that achieve GBAC STAR accreditation demonstrate their dedication to providing a safe and healthy environment for their clients employees, customers, and visitors.

The program's core focus is on biorisk reduction, which involves implementing rigorous cleaning and disinfection practices to minimize the spread of infectious diseases and harmful pathogens. GBAC STAR-accredited companies follow a comprehensive set of criteria that cover areas such as cleaning procedures, staff training, equipment and product usage, and emergency preparedness.

By hiring a GBAC STAR accredited company, organizations show their commitment to:

  • Health and well-being: GBAC STAR-accredited companies prioritize the health and well-being of their clients employees, customers, and guests. By adhering to the program's guidelines, they create a safer and cleaner environment, reducing the risk of infectious diseases and other health hazards.

  • Safety and responsibility: The program encourages facilities to adopt responsible and sustainable cleaning practices. This includes using appropriate cleaning agents and disinfectants, following safe protocols, and promoting environmentally friendly approaches to reduce their impact on the ecosystem.

  • Global impact: GBAC STAR-accredited companies contribute to shaping a healthier and safer world for everyone, regardless of their location. The program's standards are designed to be applicable across different countries and cultures, helping to raise cleanliness and safety standards worldwide.

  • Consumer confidence: For businesses in the hospitality, travel, and service industries, GBAC STAR accreditation can instill confidence in customers and visitors. People are more likely to choose facilities that prioritize cleanliness and adhere to rigorous infectious disease prevention measures.

  • Continuous improvement: Pursuing GBAC STAR certification encourages cleaning companies to continually improve their cleaning and disinfection practices. It fosters a culture of ongoing assessment and enhancement, ensuring that facilities stay up-to-date with the latest guidelines and best practices.

In summary, GBAC STAR accreditation goes beyond just meeting basic cleaning standards. It demonstrates an organization's dedication to excellence in cleanliness, hygiene, and infection prevention.